Thursday 15 October 2009

GamerScore Goal

I decided a few weeks back that I would set up a Gamerscore Goal on TrueAchievements(which is a great site), I can keep track of my score, check out what gamers think of games, basically check everything gaming.

When I set up my gamerscore Goal I was at 37.887.

After setting the Goal. I decided to brush up on some of the other games I started or rented. I will now talk you through them.

Watchmen The End Is Nigh - Parts 1 and 2 -

I rented this game and to be honest glad I did. It's not because I didn't enjoy it, but the game got boring very quickly. After playing Part 1 and only gaining 60 achievement points out of 200, I'm happy to stop.

If I was to play through Part 1 again with a different character it would be a pain, for me I have to enjoy something that I play. Going through it a second time, would do my nut in. I found the button mashing and the same finishing moves too annoying. So I completed Part 1 and left it at that with only 60 points. 

Part 2 was relatively the same as Part 1 in terms of button mashing and the same finishing moves over and over. I completed the main story with one character, gaining only 36 points. I could have got more points out of it but I had the game for like 2 weeks, only playing a couple of hours throughout and had enough.

CSI - "I actually enjoy CSI and watch it on TV, now and again."

When I saw it on my rental site I decided to give it a go. The achievements for it are very easy and after 5 chapters, I got all the gamerscore for it.

I can't really say much about it other than it's just like the TV show. Find evidence, process it and crack the case.

Alone In The Dark -

I did get 910 gamerscore back in April after borrowing it from a friend. I wanted to get the last few achievements for it which included burning all the roots of evil. I clocked it and got my 1000. I was well chuffed. 

Dash of Destruction -

I just needed to get one more achievement for this to 200 it. Although I said I play for fun, this one was crap, but for a freebie I can't complain.

Harry Potter -

This game is still in my Xbox 360 as I post. I did complete the main story but I want to get all the crests. So the next few days will be spent doing that.

"It's a GOOD game in my opinion".

Fifa 10 -

This is one of the better games that I have played recently. I bought this and glad I did, its awesome. I've got Fifa every new release. It just seems to get better and better.

That's as many games I can remember playing or gaining achievements in.

The goal as stacked up a bit. 

Start - 37.887

Currently  - 39.032

1145, that isn't anything special, I will agree. For me it is an achievement in it's own right!

"Check back some other time!"