Tuesday 2 February 2010

What are they; achievements??

"I have decided that I will only play videogames for enjoyment rather than playing games for achievements."

It was getting to me that I was renting out games, namely crappy games for achievements.

I have agreed with myself that renting games as to come to an end. It did do and now I will play the games that I have never had the time to get to.

From now on games will be played for enjoyment rather than renting and rushing through them to get as much achievements as possible. Which is good in one cause but annoying in some respect.

I have realised and agreed that achievements mean absolute nothing and in some respect a complete waste of my money, if rented poor games.

However if earned with a decent game, it feels right. But if I rent crap it dose'nt feel the same.

Because of achievemennts I am cutting down on videogames, slowly fading away!