Sunday 11 July 2010

I'm Alive!

Since my last post I have played a couple of new games. The new games include an older title and a newer than the older title. Yeah, make sense?

The older title that's older than the newer title (mind numbing) is The Saboteur, its actually an enjoyable game, I've had it well over a month(little gamerscore gained) but, I like to take my time with games nowadays. Not like I used to be, i.e. get new games, complete them as fast as possible and then have the cheek to say to myself, it's over. Yeah, it's obviously gonna be like that David. Idiot.

But really, I'm taking it slow now with games. I also Got Bioshock 2, which, yeah, you guessed it. It's the newer of the two. (bingo).

I played the first Bioshock, back when it was released and I enjoyed Rapture, it was something of a strange setting, but nice at the same time (underwater, just one setting).

Bioshock 2 is a great game, I say that because it's wonderful in every aspect, guns, perks, and colourful setting. It's nice what they have done to it. Slowly pacing myself through it. Multiplayer is another story though.

That's the new (old, haha) games out of the way!


Finally, I unlocked the, play for fifty hours on Fifa 10, which I was pleased about. After 80+ hours. (I love ea) They are too nice.

But I might had Fifa 10 quitters, I can't quite understand why they bother playing a game, I mean, they will quit at the 90th minute, if I beat them, why? I will never get my 100 plus wins. I have won about 120 games. tut tut

I've got into the Arcade games recently, The Secret of Monkey Island, Feeding Frenzy, slowly working towards my 100 games in Battlefield 1943.

I also managed to play some Tomb Raider Underworld, only had 25points, finished up with 755. Which I was happy at.

Recap from last post

I managed to get 515 points in Red Dead Redemption, which was from a weeks rental at Blockbusters. I got 530 points in Alan Wake.

These past couple months have been generous to me. Nearly at 55.000 Gamerscore. Roll it on, hopefully with Bioshock 2 and The Saboteur, or maybe something else. Who Knows?

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